Festival de Fado Throughout various editions, we crafted different animated promos and posters for this international festival that takes place every year in different cities around the world. ClientFESTIVAL DE FADOProduction CompanySTUDIO KIMCHIDirectorBRUNO SIMÕESCharacter ModelingJUAN CARLOS NAVA CONTRERASCharacter RiggingIRAKLI KUBLASHVILIAnimationCARLOTA VILANOVASound DesignBRUNO OLIVEIRAMusicJOSÉ MANUEL NETO ClientFESTIVAL DE FADOProduction CompanySTUDIO KIMCHIDirectorBRUNO SIMÕES2D AnimationIGNAZIO ACERENZASound DesignBRUNO OLIVEIRAMusicKATIA GUERREIRO ClientFESTIVAL DE FADOProduction CompanySTUDIO KIMCHIDirectorBRUNO SIMÕESModelingJUAN CARLOS NAVA CONTRERASCharacter RiggingIRAKLI KUBLASHVILIAnimationBRUNO SIMÕESSound DesignBRUNO OLIVEIRAMusicPEDRO JÓIA © 2020 Festival de Fado / Studio Kimchi