Lucy - Christmas Edition In this companion piece to our Southeastern Guide Dogs film "Lucy", we unwrap the magic of the holiday season with a heartwarming holiday reminder that love lives all around us. ClientSOUTHEASTERN GUIDE DOGSAnimation StudioSTUDIO KIMCHIDirectorBRUNO SIMÕESProducerCARLOTA POUCharacter Design & Matte PaintingREGINA INSENSERSet DesignSABINA SUAREZStoryboardAITOR HERRERO Model SheetsLAURA PORTOLÉSCharacter ModelingMIGUEL MIRANDACharacter TexturingEVA DE PRADOCharacter GroomingANNA REKZYNSKACharacter RiggingDANIEL MARTINEZ Set ModellingSABINA SUAREZSet TexturesMARCO DELGADOCG GeneralistsBRIAN MARTINEZNOELIA ARCOS3D AnimationDIANA SÁNCHEZJORGE MORENO LightingMANAL BARGHOUTANTJE SCHMIEDELCompositingBRUNO SIMÕESMARÍA RUBIOSound Design & MusicAURÉLIEN VIEIRA LINOColor GradingMOONLIGHT © 2023 Southeastern Guide Dogs